St. Johns Country Day School

3d Printing Submission

Use this page to submit a file to have printed.

Prints with no color requests take less than 5 days. Prints with specific colors can take up to 2 weeks.

Please note that prints must meet one of the requirements:
1. Be for a specific class and with teacher permission.
2. Printed as part of the after school 3D Printing Class or STEAM Club.
3. Part of a summer 3D Printing program.

Personal printing can be allowed. Please see the tech department for more information.

Technology Team

Anne Gorman

Anne Gorman

Titles: Director of Technology, Computer Science Dept. Chair; Computer Technology Intern, AP Computer Science; AP Computer Science Principles
Phone Numbers:
School: 904-264-9572 ext. 1202
Sirena Mosley

Sirena Mosley

Titles: Computer Science; Educational Technology Manager
Lonnie Rachal

Lonnie Rachal

Titles: Information Technology Manager
Curt Williamson

Curt Williamson

Titles: Academic Technology Specialist