Lifting Spirits in Quarantine

Lifting Spirits in Quarantine

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are in the home stretch! Only two more weeks before the end of the school year! Last week we began reaching out to families in all divisions with phone calls. It was nice to hear that most of our parents and students are doing well and have an established rhythm to their day. Many shared that their children would prefer to be on campus, but everyone is working hard to make distance learning productive and meaningful.   

With the end of the school year in sight, students and parents often feel exhausted and there is a tendency to lose focus and stamina when it comes to school work. The resources we are sharing this week will hopefully give you ideas and suggestions on ways to lift your spirits and help ensure a strong finish as we push to the end of the school year.

We in the Guidance Department continue our commitment and dedication to the social-emotional wellbeing of our students and are available during school hours to meet virtually with students who need additional support.  

To schedule an appointment, please send an email as follows:


Please reach out if you have questions or concerns.

Ann Korahais Diane Landers
Director of Guidance Services Lower School
Guidance Counselor    
Middle/Upper School Guidance



How People are Lifting Others’ Spirits During COVID-19 

The Perspective Less Taken During COVID-19

13 Things to Lift Your Spirits Right Now!